34. Every application for a certificate of authorization must include the following information and documents, in addition to those required under section 22 of the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2) and the Regulation respecting the application of the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2, r. 3):(1) identification of the contaminants present in the soils to be received at the transfer station and the maximum storage capacity;
(2) identification of the locations where gas is to be sampled for analysis, and the sampling frequency;
(3) an overall plan, to scale, indicating(a) the operations site, including the siting of the building, equipment and surface water drainage system;
(b) the area occupied by the buffer zone required pursuant to section 41 and the area zoning; and
(c) the names and location of public thoroughfares, access roads both existing and proposed, watercourses and bodies of water within a radius of 1 km and the location of the observation wells on the land and in the ground;
(4) a description of the observation wells and the surface water drainage system;
(5) a plan of the building including the location and description of the ventilation, gas treatment, recovery, water decontamination and floor waterproofing systems;
(6) the location of the soils in the building and identification of the batches of soils stored;
(7) the manner in which the soils are to be handled on being received and shipped to their treatment destination;
(8) the measures to be taken to prevent dust dispersal inside and in the vicinity of the site;
(9) the monitoring, maintenance and cleaning program for the equipment including the frequency of the work to be performed;
(10) the quality of the groundwater before the establishment of the transfer station as required by section 43;
(11) the monitoring and control elements required under Division V;
(12) the report of the observations made at the public meeting and a copy of the public notice published as required by section 36;
(13) the fees payable pursuant to the Environment Quality Act; and
(14) the financial guarantee required pursuant to section 63.